Meeting Details

Planning & Zoning Commission

Date: 2020-05-19

Time: 06:00 PM

Location: City Hall - Council Chambers

Subject: May Regular Meeting


Cases heard at this meeting are listed below.

Case Number

Case Name


TA-01-20 Group One Text Amendments to CDO Complete
A number of text amendments pertaining to the rewrite of the Concord Development Ordinance. Note: townhomes are not made part of these "Group One" text amendments, but will be covered at a later date.
SUP-13-19 Michael P. Winstad Jr., Evolve Acquisition LLC Complete
Michael P. Winstad Jr., Evolve Acquisition LLC, has submitted a Special Use Permit application to establish a multi-family (apartment) development at 4295 and 4165 Concord Pkwy. S. p/o PIN 5509-21-8803
TA-02-20 Historic Handbook Amendment - Fences/Walls Complete
Amendment proposal to the Historic Handbook Chapter 5 - Section 9 "fences and walls" as it relates to the allowance of decorative concrete block.
Z-02-20 Cabarrus County School's Site - 3817 Cochran Rd Complete
Administrative Zoning Map Amendment for recently annexed property located at 3817 Cochran Rd, on the southwest corner of the Cochran Rd and Roberta Rd intersection, from Cabarrus County MDR (Medium Density Residential) to City of Concord O-I (Office Institutional). PIN 5518-16-4257


Files pertaining to this meeting are listed below. Additional files may be available in the cases above.

File Name

Size (MB)

